
A Woman with the River of Sorrow


A Woman with the River of Sorrow~

Kulsuma, a 39-year-old Rohingya woman from Fenci village in Buthidaung, is the mother of five children. In June-July 2024, the Arakan Army (AA) gathered all the people from the Fenci area into one place while intense fighting occurred between the AA and the SAC in Buthidaung Township. Kulsuma's family was among them, and they endured horrible conditions without food or medical facilities. Kulsuma recalls, "My children and I couldn’t eat properly for many days. I used to collect leftover boiled rice thrown away by the AA and feed it to my children."

Since humanitarian aid was blocked across Arakan State during the war, most people, especially the Rohingya, faced famine-like conditions. Kulsuma herself witnessed and fell victim to the horrors happening around Arakan State. According to her, thousands of Rohingya families are trapped in schools and other communal places. Although the situation has stabilized somewhat in Buthidaung, the AA does not allow Rohingya people to return to their villages. She explained, "In July, a bomb exploded near us, and I was injured in my leg. I hoped the AA would provide treatment, but I had to suffer for a month without any help. My wound worsened day by day, and since I have young children, it was the most difficult situation to bear. The pain was unbearable, and I couldn’t move."

After a month, she begged her neighbors for help, for the sake of Almighty, so they could assist her in reaching Bangladesh. She knew the journey wouldn’t be easy, but she was determined to fight for her life and survive for her children. "I requested them to carry me and my children to the border, but they refused to take the whole family. It was understandable, but I couldn't find a way to accept leaving my four children behind. As a mother, the situation was indescribable, but I gathered my strength and left my children in the care of my aunt," she added. It took two days and a night to reach the border of Bangladesh, and finally, she made it to Bangladesh for treatment. However, she is still struggling to receive proper treatment, and it hasn't been easy. She needs help.

"I miss my children since I haven't been able to contact them or get any information about them. I am suffering from two kinds of sorrow at the same time," she mentioned.

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